Summer Summer Summer
1- Get the Perfect Summer Cut
Cropped short and low on the sides and jagged on top, and if you've been thinking about buzzing it all off, now's the time to do it. Just be sure to taper the edges around the back and around the ears
2-Smooth Things Over: Scrub Your Face…
The summer heat ratchets up your metabolism, which means your skin cells die at a much faster rate. To steer clear of the kind of buildup that'll clog your pores, you need to start exfoliating a couple of times a week. Try this stuff, which smooths and brightens your complexion on the spot—and also acts as the perfect preshave treatment.

…And Your Body Too
Don't neglect the skin on the rest of your body. You're going to be exposing more of it—so make sure it looks vibrant. Exfoliate about once a week with an exfoliating (not abrasive) scrub
3- Protect Yourself
We’ve said it before, and we'll say it again: The most important thing a guy can do to stave off wrinkles is wear some form of sunscreen. For protection without the gloppiness of a lot of drugstore stuff, opt for an oil-free moisturizer with an SPF of at least 15. And use it every day. Follow these pointers and you'll stay shielded while still getting some color.
a. You're probably using too little. Apply about a shotglass worth over your entire body.
b. Don't forget your cheekbones and your lips. They get some of the most exposure—and burns there won't be pretty
c. Choose one that's water- and sweat-resistant.
d. No matter the SPF or water-resistance, you haveto reapply. If you're going in the water or toweling off, do it every hour. If not, every two hours is safe.
4- stick the Habit
Ever get those pale-yellow sweat stains around the underarm area of your dress shirts? The ones your dry cleaner can't seem to get out? They're what happens when aluminum—a key ingredient of the "antiperspirant" you've been rolling on—reacts with sweat. This all-natural, aluminum- and alcohol-free deodorant will not only keep your shirt wardrobe clean, it'll keep you smelling fresh for a full twenty-four hours.
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